Complete source code for a screensaver that uses the Windows RSS Platform to display images from picture feeds.
This sample, written in C#, demonstrates the use of the Windows Really Simple Syndication (RSS) Platform to scan the Common Feed List for feeds that contain enclosed images. The sample demonstrates how to enumerate feeds, search for enclosures of the desired file type, and display images and text on the screen. The online documentation explains how to install and further customize the sample.
The installer creates a folder in "My Documents" called MSDN\RssScreenSaver with source code and documentation. Once the project is loaded into the Visual C# environment, you must compile it before running or installing it as a Windows screensaver.
When the screensaver is launched, it scans the Common Feed List for RSS feed items that contain enclosures (binary attachments) that can be displayed. Then it creates a full-screen Windows Form and displays data from the feeds. A timer is used to update the currently selected topic and change the background image. If the mouse is moved or clicked at any point, or if a key is pressed, the program exits immediately.